Dec 042014
The Landscape Committee has experienced its busiest year ever. Your voluntary committee includes Bill Page, Joe Steiner, Phil Mowbray, and yours truly. I want to publically thank my colleagues for their expertise, personal time, and informed experience plus courteous dialogue with all members of the community. What a capable team.

The ongoing active monitoring of leaks (major breaks and gradual leaks) continues. As you know, certain intersections in the SMVE Community employ drip irrigation to enhance the Sonoran desert’s beauty, color and quality of life for all Homeowners and guests. The best recent example of a landscape/maintenance metamorphosis began in December of 2013 with a complete renovation consuming over 4 months of work at the Community entryway at Sunrise Drive (detailed in the Spring 2014 Newsletter). Mike Jump joined the Landscape Committee in coordinating this major project. Moreover, with so many miles of water lines, pressure reducing valves, and pressure regulators, periodic leaks are inevitable. We’ve been able to reduce to half the irrigation repair budget’s episodic costs for repairs by planned ongoing removal and replacements of valves and old water lines. Please continue to call me or any Board member if you discover a water leak. We’ll get right on it to save our precious water resource while conserving the HOA budget expenditures responsively.

Landscape and Construction in the Commons

Areas of high visibility (intersections, entrances, and recreation areas) continue to receive phased-in attention as budgeted funds are available. Dead, drying or diseased bushes and trees in the commons are being systematically removed to reduce exposure to fire hazards. In addition, non-native grasses (buffel grass and fountain grass) as has been our practice are constantly being removed in the SMVE Community. You will have also noted security trimming of dense vegetation areas around both pools to allow added overnight visibility that should enhance safety and security for our members while reducing potential vandalism. As mature trees require removal, replanting of new trees will be scheduled. Such beautification will occur specifically at entrances and intersections within the SMVE Community.

Extremely important, but not readily apparent, has been the landscaping effort to mitigate weeds in washes and slopes within the Community Commons. Pre-emergent spraying with herbicides and riprap for erosion control repair and fire safety continues. Moreover, after summer storms and cleanup, certain areas of riprap were added to rechannel excess runoff. Just recently a guest parking area with adjacent common area on north Sempreverde was re-contoured plus repaired with new riprap. This ongoing repair and upgrade will handle periodic intense summer cloud bursts. Another such construction repair on Gelsomino with rock riprap was just completed in September 2014.

Packrat Update

As previously reported in the Spring SMVE HOA Newsletters, the Board has actively addressed the excess proliferation of packrats over the last 3 years. Currently, we have a very comprehensive negotiated contract with Mr. Pack Rat. This contract includes quarterly surveillance, mapping of new and old nests plus a discounted rate for nest removal as well as a 6-month warranty on each nest removed. The whole exclusion process includes live trapping and removal of rats, excavation and removal of the nest, local trimming of damaged plantings, and hauling away all debris, which includes landscape and contaminated debris. The process concludes with the spraying of the perimeter to eliminate rat parasites in the old nest. This systematic exclusion and treatment process has shown excellent results. Infestation has been pushed back away from SMVE homes, pools, clubhouse and tennis courts without employing any noxious bait and chemical poisons. The latter would kill owls, hawks, coyotes, wildcats, rabbits, and snakes. The Sonoran desert ecology is coming back into balance with our diligent, continuous efforts. In addition, 69 SMVE HOA owners have requested packrat nest removal over the last 14 months. I’ll keep you informed as oversight and the surveillance program continues to make even more progress. All these efforts have been accomplished promptly and under budget.

Subcontractor Services

Large backflow valves for both pools and restrooms require annual repair and/or replacement and must pass final inspection each year by certified water specialists. This lengthy process was completed in January-February, 2014. In addition, mature trees greater than 12 feet require services of specially trained contractors with specialized equipment to trim large trees safely. As you would predict, such costs are five times higher because of expensive equipment, general and worker insurance liability and worker’s compensation policies. Such big trees in SMVE HOA have been inventoried and bid for service by an arborist. We have begun this process which will proceed incrementally with budgeted funds over the next few years. As you can appreciate, the Landscape Team is on it.

✉ by Bob Vaughan, Chair, Landscape Committee

Ref: Fall 2014 SMVE Newsletter